Posted in interactive, rain card, Uncategorized

You are my Sunshine

I was looking forward to making one of these cards when I first saw the YouTube Magical Rain Shaker Card Video by Laura Dovalo. I thought this was such a fun idea, but I had no idea who I was going to make it for, well I showed a friend of mine and she REALLY wanted me to make one for her to give to someone who brightens her days, soooo that was they only thing I needed, and away I went. The hardest part about making the card was beading on the really thin line that I had, as the beads were too small for needle to go through and my eyes had a hard time seeing the itty bitty holes in the beads, but I got it done.

To see a video of this card in motion please check out my Facebook page feel free to join if you would like to share your crafty creations.

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