Posted in Castle Pop Up, House of Cards, Uncategorized

Just Turn on the lights

This card, my goodness, has been in progress for months. Someone (John Watterson) platted the seed in my head after I posted my first House of cards Castle and asked when I would make a Harry Potter version. I laughed and said it would be a while. So I started in a few months ago and I decided to that it was time to get it done. Part of my problem was, that I knew I wanted to make it but I wasn’t sure for who. So I decided to make it for me. This quote has always resonated something in me, from the first time I heard it. I thought I would pull out all the stops, and make a card that I can enjoy for myself. So I did.

While making the card I didn’t take photos of every detail, I did a bunch of fussy cutting dies to make the different pieces. I did use mostly Karen Burnistons diesets. I don’t want to take a month to make this post so I will give the card base and Castle details but I may miss a few things. If I am missing something that you want to know please message me and I will reply.

All the fun is in the reveal, to see this card in action please check out my FACEBOOK page, feel free to join if you would like to share your own crafty creations. You can also see a video of this card on my INSTAGRAM page.

Continue reading “Just Turn on the lights”
Posted in Character Card, Christmas, MOTION CARD, Uncategorized

“Jolly” the Mischievous Mouse

Love this little mouse, and in this card, the little stinker is running away with a Christmas light. I thought that it would be fun to make an interactive card and have Jolly the mouse actually be able to scurry across the card.


So this card was so much fun to make but turned into quite the challenge when I decided to make 50 of them, there were a few challenges along the way but I did get them all done and in the mail 🙂

Click “read more” to see more.

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Posted in Character Card, Christmas, Trifold Shutter card, Uncategorized

Punchart Trifold Shutter Christmas Card

Another card created back in my punchart days. I used to really like making cute little characters out of random punches. The Trifold design was also very popular for a while. Most of these ideas I found scrolling through SplitCoast Stampers, the elf I came up with on my own.


Click “Read More” to see more.

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