Posted in Birthday, Tea and Coffee pop up, Uncategorized

Vertical Double Wiggle Birthday Bugs card

Last week for the Karen Burniston design team challenge Karen posted a VIDEO on how to create a “Wiggle Card” and I thought to myself “I need to make one of these!!!” But like most of my cards I don’t actually have a complete plan when I start my card so I decided on the fly to turn it vertical and to add a second set of wiggle mechanism. This is what I came up with. All the insects (with the exception of the bottom blue butterfly) and the XOXO wiggle when the card opens and closes.

All the fun is in the reveal, to see this card in action please check out my FACEBOOK page, feel free to join if you would like to share your own crafty creations. You can also see a video of this card on my INSTAGRAM page, or TikTok 😊

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Posted in coffee cup pop-up, Mothers Day, Tea and Coffee pop up, Uncategorized

Teacup full of Flowers Mother’s Day card

So I’ve been trying to get this post done but I’ve been having some technical difficulties but here I am with this past weeks Craft Roulette challenge. When I decided what I was going to do I was pretty excited. I was looking for a reason to use the new Tea and Coffee pop up set with the Coffee Cup Pop up mechanism and this was it. Here are this weeks parameters.

How I met the parameters…. I have a heart on the “Happy Mothers Day” on the front, and on the inside beside “Love you”. I was stuck on vintage colours so I went through my paper stash to see if something jumped out at me and this paper did for several reasons. It has a vintage vibe with the pattern, but it also has a lace pattern right on it which takes care of the “lace on the base”. AND ITS ORANGE AND PURPLE, if you play Craft Roulette you will get the reference. The flowers are for the “plant” element.

All the fun is in the reveal, to see this card in action please check out my FACEBOOK page, feel free to join if you would like to share your own crafty creations. You can also see a video of this card on my INSTAGRAM page.

Continue reading “Teacup full of Flowers Mother’s Day card”
Posted in Birthday, craft Roulette, Tea and Coffee pop up, Triple Flip, Twist Flower, Uncategorized

Triple Flip Tea Time

It seems like it’s been months, well I guess it has since I’ve been able to play Craft Roulettte . But I made sure to make some time this weekend because I do really enjoy playing along.

Here are this weeks parameters

This is how my card meets the parameters. I’ve used the Triple Flip dieset on the front and the Twist Flower dieset (a twist can be a flip right?) on the inside, and well this card has several folds within the mechanism. Main Street colours would be the grey sidewalk, the red bricks, and the other colours would be in the murals that we have in and around our Main Street. Walks would be the cat, cats walk. And I have hearts sprinkled through out and the teacup on the inside has a large heart.

All the fun is in the reveal, to see this card in action please check out my FACEBOOK page, feel free to join if you would like to share your own crafty creations. You can also see a video of this card on my INSTAGRAM page.

Continue reading “Triple Flip Tea Time”
Posted in Tea and Coffee pop up, Uncategorized

Time for Tea

Even though sneak peek was last week I have another card to share. This is actually the first card I made using the new release. I just had to make a tea card because I’m a tea gal.

All the fun is in the reveal, to see this card in action please check out my FACEBOOK page, feel free to join if you would like to share your own crafty creations. You can also see a video of this card on my INSTAGRAM page.

Continue reading “Time for Tea”